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WRH Realty Services, Inc. Recognized for Volunteer Spirit


Jacksonville, FL – On May 8, 2014 property management companies, owners and vendors throughout Northeast Florida attended the First Coast Apartment Association’s 19th Annual Circle of Excellence Awards held at The Florida Theatre in Downtown Jacksonville. The Circle of Excellence Awards brings together multifamily professionals throughout the Jacksonville metropolitan area to honor companies and individuals who achieved the highest level of service and commitment in the multifamily industry. The First Coast Apartment Association acknowledged thirty industry professionals, apartment communities and property management companies for their outstanding accomplishments in 2013.

For the fifth consecutive year, WRH Realty Services, Inc. was honored with “Volunteer Spirit of the Year”. This award is given to the property management company which serves as a leader in the multifamily industry, and continues to have an impact on their local community. WRH’s community service program focuses on four service projects each year. These projects consisted of raising awareness and contributions for Wounded Warrior Project, a back to school supply drive, raising funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation and collecting canned food for local food banks.

This year was a success for WRH Realty Services, Inc. they collected over 8,500 canned goods for the homeless, raised over $2,800 dollars to the Wounded Warrior Project, donated over 4,000 school supplies and 1,000 pencil boxes to local charities and raised over $2,400 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. WRH looks to the future in hopes to make as positive of an impact as possible, furthering their efforts and becoming more responsible members of the global community.


Excellence. Vision. Integrity.